Ministry of Planning and Investment held investment promotion training in the Northern region in 2014
In three day from June 17- 19, 2014 in Ha Noi, Minstry of Planning and Investment held training on investment promotion for 29 provinces in the Northern region in 2014

Mr.Nguyen Ba Cuong, Deputy Director of Department of Foreign Investment, Ministry of Planning and Investment has opened speech training
The goal of the training is to thoroughly understand and implement the Government’s direction on attraction efficiency improvement, using and managing foreign direction investment, and to update information, exchange experiences and strengthen the coordination between Foreign Investment Department and the local.
The training course focuses on the major issues: update the situation on foreign investment attraction in the first 05 months of 2014; implementation guidance of State management regulation on investment promotion activities issued under Decision 03/2014/QĐ-TTg of Prime Minister and draft Joint Circular of Ministry of Finance – Ministry of Planning and Investment on financial management for investment promotion activities; the skills and experiences in management and foreign investment promotion.

Mr. Nguyen Tien Hanh, Deputy Head Office of Vinh Phuc People’s Committee. Director of IPA Vinh Phuc shared the experience on investment promotion in local of Vinh Phuc province.
Attending the training, Vinh Phuc province has representatives from three agencies: Vinh Phuc Investment Promotion Agency, Department of Planning and Investment, Project Management Board and Investment Climate Improvement. To Share the experiences in implementing investment promotion activities in the province and supporting methods, resolving difficulties and obstacles for enterprises, Mr. Nguyen Tien Hanh Deputy Head Office of Vinh Phuc People’s Committee. Director of IPA Vinh Phuc said that Vinh Phuc province always focus on investment climate improvement, provinces have done synchronized solutions in order to create the investment environment more attractive to investors , especially in investment promotion in the locality. Ipa Vinh Phuc is a permanent agency of Vinh Phuc Investment Promotion Steering Committee led by Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee. Ipa Vinh Phuc performs tasks such as: as the clue to receive the document and handle administrative procedure under one stop service mechanism; better support for investors in resolving the difficulties and obstacles through the government – enterprise dialogue Portal on the internet; providing the information on investment environment through the websites; and giving the services as the investors demands.
During the training time, the local trainee has a lot of opinions, suggested to clarify a number of problems in the implement process of State Management regulation for investment promotion activities issued under the Decision 03/2014/QĐ-TTg of Prime Minister and contribution to complete draft Joint Circular of Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Planning and Investment on financial management for investment promotion activities.
Through this training course, participants were provided the knowledge on domestic and international economic situation; market overall as well as useful knowledge related to investment promotion activities. The organized training appreciated the enthusiastic and responsible of the trainees in the process of participant and informed that the training courses will be organized annually, implementation cohesion and better support between Central Agencies and local authorities help the local authorities to well done investment promotion attraction so as to promote socio economic development./.
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