Appraisal and issuance of investment certificate for the FDI projects in business of the Industrial Zone’s infrastructure

Authorized Agency

Industrial Zone Management Board

Resolved time and procedure

Total time (working days) shall not exceed: 10 working days for the projects subjecting to non-appraisal for issuance of Investment Certificate or 15 working days for the projects subjecting to appraisal for issuance of Investment Certificate. Details are as follows:

a) IPA shall receive application dossiers of FDI projects, check their validity in compliance with the law (if Investors submit the application for seal registration and  tax registration at the same time with submit the application for investment certificates, IPA shall receive all of these application dossiers) and later transfer them to the Industrial Zones Management Board for settlement within 01 working day.

b) The Industrial Zone Management Board shall receive, check related documents and consult the Departments relating to investment projects (if any). The Industrial Zone Management Board shall issue Investment Certificate to transfer results to IPA to return results to the Investors within 08 working days for the projects subjecting to non-appraisal for issuance of Investment Certificate or 13 working days for the projects subjecting to appraisal for issuance of Investment Certificate.

If any project is required to consult Ministries, central governed agencies, its summary must be approved by Prime Minister before issuance of  investment certificate. Within 02 working days after the date of receipt of application dossier, Industrial Zone Management Board shall send a request for consultation to  related Ministries and authorities; later then, it shall contact and work with them aiming at soon obtaining results.

The relevant Departments and authorities shall provide consultation and results to Industrial Zone Management Board within 07 working days from the date of receipt of the written request for consultation of Industrial Zone Management Board.

The Industrial Zone Management Board is in charge of settling application dossiers for seal registration and  tax registration under one stop service regime at its office and transfer results to IPA for returning seal specimen certificate, tax certificate and investment certificate to the Investors .

c) IPA shall give result to the Investors within 01 working day. For large-scale projects and important or significant projects on investment attraction in the province, the Industrial Zone Management Board shall preside and coordinate with IPA to hold an investment certificate granting ceremony.


(Pursuant to Article 45, 46, 47 and 48 of Decree No. 108/2006/ND-CP)

1. Request for issuance of investment certificate (In the standard form no. I-1, I-2, I-3 attached in Decision No.1088/2006/QD-BKH dated 19 October 2006 of Ministry of Planning and Investment);

2. Business cooperation contract in case of investment in form of business cooperation;

3. Financial capacity report of the investor (prepared by and under self-responsibility of investor);

4. Certification of the legal status of investor: valid copy of incorporation decision or business registration certificate or equivalent document of institutional investor; or valid copy of identity card or passport of individual investor (notarized or certified by competent authority);

5. Explanatory statement of economy – technique (due to this case is subject to appraisal for issuance of investment certificate), enclosed with: master plan with a scale of 1/500 approved by Vinh Phuc People’s Committee; basic design with a scale of 1/500 to be appraised by the Ministry of Construction and presentation of the project for technical infrastructure  business and construction;

6. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to be approved by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources;

7. Explanatory statement on the capability to satisfy the conditions which are required by the law in case of the project subject to conditional investment sectors as specified in Article 29 of the Law on Investment and Appendix III of Decree No. 108/ND-CP dated 22 September 2006;

8. In case of investment in form of enterprise establishment, the investor shall apply the following:

-        Joint venture contract (applicable to the investment in form of establishment of joint venture company between local and foreign investors).

-        Business register profile corresponding to each type of economic entities in accordance with laws on enterprise and relevant regulations, including:

+        Draft of Company Charter;

+        List of members of limited liability company with two or more members (in the standard form specified in Appendix No. I-6 of Circular No. 01/2013/TT-BKH dated 21 Jannuary 2013); or List of founding shareholders of joint stock company (in the standard form specified in Appendix No. I-7 of Circular No. 01/2013/TT-BKH dated 21 Jannuary 2013);

+        Written certification of legal capital, issued by competent authority;

+        List of authorized representative(s) of limited liability company with one member (in the standard form specified in Appendix No. I-9 of Circular No. 01/2013/TT-BKH dated 21 Jannuary 2013); and valid copy of personal identification of the authorized representative(s);

Power of attorney from company owner being an entity to its authorized representative(s).

Quantities of Application:  10 sets (including 01 set of original).

  • Vinh Phuc Province Investment Promotion Information Site

    Department of Planning and Investment of Vinh Phuc province.

    Address: No. 40 Nguyen Trai Street, Dong Da Ward, Vinh Yen City, Vinh Phuc Province.

    Email:, Phone: (+84).211.3.862.480

    License No. 49/GP-TTĐT, issued on April 13, 2020 by the Department of Information and Communications of Vinh Phuc Province