Appraisal and issuance of investment certificate for projects associated with establishment of branches

Authorized Agency

Department of Planning and Investment

Resolved time and procedure

Total time (working days) shall not exceed 10 working days for the projects subjecting to non-appraisal for issuance of Investment Certificate or 15 working days for the projects subjecting to appraisal for issuance of Investment Certificate. Details are as follows:

a) IPA shall receive application dossiers of DDI and FDI projects, check their validity in compliance with the law (if Investors submit the application for seal registration and  tax registration at the same time with submit the application for investment certificates, IPA shall receive all of these application dossiers) and later transfer them to the Industrial Zones Management Board for settlement within 01 working day.

b) Department of Planning and Investment shall receive, check related documents, consult the Departments relating to investment projects (if any) and later send reports and draft of investment certificates to the Procinvial People’s Commitee Office for approval within 07 working days for the projects subjecting to non-appraisal for issuance of Investment Certificate or 12 working days for the projects subjecting to appraisal for issuance of Investment Certificate.

If any project is required to consult Ministries and central governed agencies, its summary must be approved by Prime Minister before issuance of  certificate investment. Within 02 working days from the date of receipt of valid application dossiers, the Department of Planning and Investment shall shall send a request for consultation to related Ministries and authorities; later then, it shall contact and work with them aiming at soon obtaining results.

The related Departments, authorities and units are obliged to contribute their consultation and give their conclusion to the  Department of Planning and Investment within 05 days as from the date of receipt of the request for consultation of Department of Planning and Investment.

The Department of Planning and Investment is in charge of settling application dossiers for seal registration and  tax registration under one stop service regime at its office and transfer results to IPA for returning seal specimen certificate, tax certificate and investment certificate to the Investors .

c) The Provincial People's Committee Office shall receive the transferred application files, review the settlement process of application files, propose leadership of the Provincial People's Committee to sign Investment Certificate and later send it and the results to IPA to give to the Investor within 01 working day.

d) IPA shall give result to the Investors within 01 working day. For large-scale projects and important or significant projects on investment attraction in the province, the Industrial Zone Management Board shall preside and coordinate with IPA to hold an investment certificate granting ceremony.


1. Register/Request for issuance of investment certificate (In the standard form no. I-2 attached in Decision No.1088/2006/QD-BKH dated 19 October 2006 of Ministry of Planning and Investment);

2. Financial capacity report (prepared by and under self-responsibility of investor);

3. Written Approval of the State authorities with respect to the use of State capital for investment in accordance with the law (except for the project which does not change contribution capital of the enterprise’s members and the conditions previously approved);

4. Explanatory statement of economy – technique with the following contents: objective, scale and location of investment; investment capital, schedule for project implementation; land use demand; technological and environmental solutions;

5. Explanatory statement on the capability to satisfy the conditions which are required by the law in case of the project subject to conditional investment sectors as specified in Article 29 of the Law on Investment and Appendix III of Decree No.108/2006/ND-CP dated 22 September 2006.

6. Copy of Investment Certificate (considered as Enterprise Registration Certificate) and Company Charter;

7. Branch Registration Application:

-   Notice on branch establishment (in standard form specified in Appendix II-8 of Circular No. 01/2013//TT-BKH dated 21 January 2013);

-   Written decision and copy of meeting minutes on the implementation of projects associated with establishment of branch of the Members’ Council of limited liability company with two or more members, or company owner or Members’ Council or Chairman of one member limited liability company, Board of Directors of joint stock company;

-   Valid copy of decision on appointment of the head of branch and valid copy of his/her identity card, passport or other personal identification as stipulated in Article 24 of Decree No. 43/2010/ND-CP dated 15April 2010.

8. Other documents:

Valid copy of practicing certificates of the head or other employees of enterprises as prescribed by sectoral laws which are applicable to the branch conducting business lines for which practicing certificates are required by law (foreign practicing certificate is unacceptable in Vietnam, unless otherwise stipulated in sectoral laws or international treatment of which Vietnam is member ).

Quantities of Application: 08 sets, including 01 set of original

  • Vinh Phuc Province Investment Promotion Information Site

    Department of Planning and Investment of Vinh Phuc province.

    Address: No. 40 Nguyen Trai Street, Dong Da Ward, Vinh Yen City, Vinh Phuc Province.

    Email:, Phone: (+84).211.3.862.480

    License No. 49/GP-TTĐT, issued on April 13, 2020 by the Department of Information and Communications of Vinh Phuc Province